Spiritual and Enlightenment Consulting

Sudie has been assisting clients on spiritual awakening and enlightenment for over three decades. Someone who sits with Sudie will be desiring to awaken to the truth of who they are. Spiritual consulting is about opening a dialogue with your higher power, directing you to your own Inner Guide and encouraging you to open up and accept you can do it.

Sudie’s peaceful presence enables clients to tap into their own inner peace, soothing fears, opening one up to their feelings and most important acknowledging their own Divine Presence.

If you feel guided to speak with Sudie, sessions are $195, but no one is turned away do to lack of funds. Go to Contact to email Sudie to schedule a session.


Enlightenment is the most natural thing in the world.  Anyone that intends to become enlightened will become enlightened.  All it takes is a whole-hearted desire to awaken to our Higher Self.  Reading these few paragraphs may be all you need, but if you desire to talk to someone, then I am here for you.  My fee is totally flexible, as I would speak to anyone for free, but if money is easy for you, then I gratefully accept the funds.

First, know that you are your Divine Self, also called Christ Consciousness.  We humans have made up a personal self, believed we became that and then forgot our Divinity.  Enlightenment is a return to our True Identity, which you could also be called Light.  People who have mystical experiences, whether it be a near-death experience, a transcendent experience or a drug enhanced experience with psychedelics, almost all the time experience an incredibly bright, brilliant, all-consuming Light.  This Light is the “stuff” we are made of.  We have been taught to believe we are the physical body, and we are heavily invested in that being our true reality; so invested in the body as our reality that this perception can take years to overcome.  Enlightenment, which is synonymous with Awakening, is realizing our true reality as Light or Christ Consciousness while in form, in the body, not after we die (heaven), but here and now as our human self (heaven on Earth).

The 365 Lessons of “A Course In Miracles” are designed to shift our identity from awareness of self as the limited physical body to awareness of Self as unlimited Light or Christ Consciousness (non-duality). Nothing changes externally.  We remain the same on the outside and seem the same to family, friends and co-workers, but our inward world has changed entirely.  We have shifted our awareness from a singular, distinct and separate self, to the awareness of ourselves as unlimited Spirit which is the essence of everything.  This is where the statement, “God Is, I Am” becomes an inherent truth.  We know that as our truth, and we become peaceful, which may be noticed by those around us.

The biggest obstacles to this inner shift is fear and disbelief.  We are afraid of the unknown, and our Higher Self (Christ Consciousness) seems unknown to us. As was said, we are heavily invested in the belief we are our physical bodies and so we fear being something other than our physical selves.  This is really the fear of death.  We fear the death of what we have come to know as ourself, our physicality, and so are afraid to make the shift in awareness to our Higher Self.  We are also highly skeptical and doubtful.  We want to believe this to be true, but it is hard to get past our belief that it is impossible.  This is where practice begins.  We all are familiar with the practices of meditation and mindfulness and “A Course in Miracles,” and there are some additions to those practices that may prove useful on our path.

By far the most useful of those practices is the practice of Acceptance.  It has been stated as “Acceptance of what is,” and this actually can be seen as acceptance on two levels. First, the level of physicality and second the level of Spirit.  Acceptance of what is on the level of physicality is the acceptance of what is occurring in any given moment.  This is a meaningful practice especially when what is happening is difficult to process, or not something we want to accept, like a life threatening diagnosis, a breakup of a relationship and a monetary loss.

Acceptance of what is on the level of Spirit is the real treasure here.  This second level of acceptance usually follows after practicing the first level of acceptance (what is occurring in life) to acceptance of oneself as unlimited Light or Universal Oneness/Christ Consciousness. A useful affirmation here is from “A Course In Miracles,” “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.”

Another useful practice is observation and this is related to the practice of dialogue with our higher power. Observation assists in the acceptance of what is.  (i.e. There is another way of looking at this).  This has been called a miracle - a shift in perception.  We can observe our thinking.  There is a difference between thinking, and observing our thinking.  One can observe our thoughts or be lost in our thoughts.  So observation is the practice of observing our thinking in combination with observing our feelings and observing our body response.

That is a lot of levels of observing.  A question often put to spiritual practitioners is, “Who is doing the observing?” So obviously there is a part of your mind that you can distinguish from other parts of your inner thinking, feelings and body.  This has been called awareness. “I am that which is aware.”

This leads to the practice of dialogue with your higher power or Higher Self.  If your Higher Self is that which is aware, and through observation and acceptance you come to know your awareness, then you can be in dialogue with that awareness.  It could be said that you are a flow of exchange with that awareness.  You are aware, grateful you are aware and then feel the gratitude and love of that awareness.  This has been called “The Song of Prayer,” in “A Course In Miracles,” and is the highest form of communication or prayer with our creator.  This is a creator we are not separate from, but always a part of and in communication with.

Now do you see the movement from human self to Divine/Higher Self?  I am aware, I know myself as awareness and I increasingly identify with that awareness as my Self.  One can be in a state of an experience of coming to know oneself as awareness.  It is a continual, ongoing revelation.

As this progresses and you become more and more identified with awareness as who you are. This awareness serves all things.  You become that which informs all you interact with as Self.  You serve to inform, through presence and awareness, all minds, all things of their true identity.